The kingdom of wisteria and agapanthus


The kingdom of wisteria and agapanthus

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44.011366, 8.172697
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It is probably one of the most beautiful villas in Europe.

In this article we want to introduce you to one of the pearls of Liguria, which from its enviable position makes every visitor look into the blue of the Gulf of Alassio: we are talking about the enchanting Villa della Pergola and its colorful garden, winner of the "Parco most beautiful private of 2022".

The white wisteria in the gardens of Villa della Pergola.

Entering this botanical garden, is more than a visit, is a unique sensory experience, where the sense of smell will be completely entranced, and where during the majestic blooms it is possible to see bees and bumblebees wandering eager to feast on the delicious pollen.

Bee at work in the gardens of Villa della Pergola.
 Detail in the gardens of Villa della Pergola

A bit of history: the nineteenth-century Villa was built by an English general and his wife, who chose a farm in Alassio to spend a milder winter and spring than those across the Channel, and thus laid the foundations for the creation of a beautiful Mediterranean garden, which the successors extended.

Partial view of Alassio from the gardens of Villa della Pergola.
Detail in the gardens of Villa della Pergola

The advent of the great war coincided with the beginning of the decline, as the British returned to their homeland and abandoned the villa.

The villa and its land were close to the clutches of the increasingly growing building speculation of the Riviera, but fortunately in 2006 the Ricci family (Does Striscia la Notizia tell you something?) bought it.

the white wisteria that decorate a balcony of Villa della Pergola.
Wisteria in the gardens of Villa della Pergola with Alassio and the Liguria coast.

Thus began the long study and restoration work, entrusted to the careful supervision of the architect Paolo Pejrone, who following the original style of the Villa has restored a jewel to the contemporary world to be admired in all its splendor.
The Villa organizes guided tours of the garden, where it will be possible to “touch” the magnificent blooms of wisteria and agapanthus, among the most complete collections in all of Italy and Europe.

A particular cedar from Villa della Pergola.
Statue incorporated by the hedge in the gardens of Villa della Pergola.

We went in spring, when wisteria filled the gardens with intoxicating scents and colors, and the beautiful citrus grove smelled of the Mediterranean with myrtles, almond trees, cypresses, cedars of Lebanon, maritime pines and carob trees.

Also not to be missed is the very rare Araucaria Wollenia Nobilis, which with its prehistoric presence will brighten your walk among strelizie, roses and Echium.

The famous pergolas filled with flowering wisteria.

The Villa has rooms for guests with sea view, where it will be possible to sleep in a unique setting and dine in the starred restaurant Nove. We refer you to the respective links for further information.

Luxury Hotel "Villa della Pergola"
Restaurant "Nove"
Visiting the garden of "Villa della Pergola"

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